Looking great on camera involves more than just your physical appearance; it’s about presenting yourself confidently and authentically. Here are 55 tips to help you shine on camera:

Preparing Physically:

Ensure good lighting: Natural light is best, but if indoors, use soft, diffused lighting to avoid harsh shadows.

Dress appropriately: Wear clothing that fits well and complements your skin tone. Choose solid colors: Avoid busy patterns or overly bright colors that may distract from your message.

Pay attention to grooming: Style your hair neatly and consider using makeup or grooming products to enhance your appearance. Bring a hair spray bottle for fly-away hairs.

Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin looking fresh and hydrated.

Get Enough Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep the night before to reduce under-eye bags and promote a healthy complexion.

Practice good posture: Sit or stand up straight to exude confidence and poise. Smile naturally: Practice smiling in front of a mirror to find a natural, genuine smile that lights up your face.

a smiling girl

Relax your shoulders: Tension in your shoulders can appear stiff on camera, so consciously relax them before filming.

Pay attention to your hands: Avoid fidgeting or excessive hand movements, as they can be distracting. Also, don’t claw your hands and keep them relaxed.

Consider your backdrop: Choose a clean, clutter-free background that complements your outfit and doesn’t compete for attention.

Check your camera angle: Position the camera slightly above eye level for a flattering angle that reduces the appearance of double chins. The closest thing to the camera will be the largest.

Use makeup strategically: Apply makeup to even out skin tone, reduce shine, and enhance features without appearing too heavy-handed.

Mental Preparation:

Visualize success: Imagine yourself delivering your message confidently and effectively to boost your confidence.

Practice deep breathing: Take slow, deep breaths to calm nerves and center yourself before filming.

Focus on your message: Shift your focus from your appearance to the content of your message to appear more engaged and authentic.

Embrace imperfections: Accept that nobody is perfect, and small flaws or mistakes are part of what makes you human and relatable.

Think positively: Replace negative self-talk with affirmations and positive thoughts to boost your confidence.

Be present: Stay focused on the present moment rather than worrying about how you’ll appear on camera.

Practice mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or visualization, to calm nerves and stay centered.

Set realistic expectations: Understand that filming may involve multiple takes and adjustments, and that’s perfectly normal.

Warm up your voice: Do vocal warm-up exercises to ensure clear and confident speech.

Practice active listening: Engage with your audience or fellow speakers by actively listening to their contributions and responding authentically.

Stay hydrated: Drink water to keep your throat moist and prevent dry mouth or throat clearing during filming.

Practice gratitude: Focus on the positive aspects of the filming experience, such as the opportunity to share your message with others.

Visualize your audience: Imagine yourself speaking to a supportive audience who is eager to hear what you have to say.

Relax your facial muscles: Consciously relax your facial muscles to avoid appearing tense or strained on camera.

Take breaks as needed: If you feel overwhelmed or fatigued, take short breaks to recharge and refocus.

Technical Considerations:

Familiarize yourself with the camera: Spend some time getting comfortable with the camera and its features before filming.


Adjust camera settings: Check exposure, focus, and white balance settings to ensure a clear and well-balanced image.

Test audio levels: Check microphone placement and audio levels to ensure clear and balanced sound.

Use a teleprompter: If needed, use a teleprompter app or device to help you stay on script and maintain eye contact with the camera.

Frame yourself properly: Position yourself in the frame so that your head and shoulders are centered and there’s a slight amount of headroom above.

Use a stable surface: Place the camera on a stable surface or tripod to avoid shaky footage.

Minimize distractions: Turn off notifications on your phone and eliminate background noise or distractions that may disrupt filming.

Record in a quiet environment: Choose a quiet location with minimal ambient noise to ensure clear audio quality.

Check your equipment: Test all equipment, including cameras, microphones, and lighting, before filming to avoid technical issues.

Consider your camera angle: Experiment with different camera angles to find the most flattering and engaging perspective.

Use natural light when possible: Position yourself facing a window or source of natural light for flattering and even illumination.

Adjust your body language: Convey confidence and authority through open body language, such as standing or sitting up straight and making eye contact with the camera.

Monitor your pacing: Speak clearly and at a moderate pace to ensure your message is easily understood and engaging.

Speak with enthusiasm: Infuse energy and enthusiasm into your delivery to captivate your audience and keep them engaged.

Practice non-verbal communication: Use gestures, facial expressions, and body language to enhance your message and convey emotion.

During Filming:

Pause for emphasis: Use strategic pauses to allow your audience to digest key points and add emphasis to your message.

Maintain eye contact: Look directly into the camera lens to create a sense of connection with your audience.

Be yourself: Authenticity is key to connecting with your audience, so don’t try to be someone you’re not.

Smile naturally: Let your genuine smile shine through to convey warmth and approachability.

Relax your facial muscles: Consciously relax your facial muscles to avoid appearing tense or strained on camera.

Be mindful of your posture: Sit or stand up straight to convey confidence and professionalism.

Speak clearly and confidently: Enunciate your words clearly and project your voice to ensure your message is heard and understood.

Use vocal variety: Vary your pitch, tone, and volume to keep your delivery engaging and avoid sounding monotonous.

Be mindful of your pacing: Speak at a moderate pace to ensure your audience can follow along and absorb your message.

Emphasize key points: Use vocal inflection and gestures to highlight important information and keep your audience engaged.

Maintain good eye contact: Look directly into the camera lens to create a sense of connection with your audience.

Be aware of your body language: Use open and confident body language to convey authority and engagement.

Monitor your facial expressions: Pay attention to your facial expressions to ensure they match the tone and content of your message.

Relax and have fun: Remember to enjoy the filming process and let your enthusiasm and passion shine through.

You are currently viewing 55 Tips To Look Great On Camera
Hand of a man holding professional digital camera on blurred green background